
Evoling Image.jpeg

May 16, 2017

As I grow in life I evolve as an artist. I come across so many inspiring people daily, especially living in Los Angeles. But those people who inspire me aren't just artist, it's mainly the working class people of this world. The people who have a voice but society for some reason never really hears. I'm sure people have what ever reason it is that they decided to create, for me it's for those people. The farmers, the factory workers, the homeless, the people who live everyday working physical hard labor to put food on their families plates. Don't get me wrong it's not just the people who work physical laboring jobs. It's everyone.  I do what I do in art to hopefully allow people to see what I'm creating and give them a moment in life to just not worry. All I want to do is give back because I know my cousins who work the factories, my mom who worked two jobs to provide for my sister and I are doing what they have to do. I'm beyond blessed to be where I am because one day I'll be able to invest in them allowing them to live their dreams. I paint on canvas to spread the art across the world but eventually I'll get to where I'm painting on the side of buildings for all the people to enjoy for free. That's what art is supposed to be, for the people to enjoy for free. Maybe the world will never appreciate me, but hopefully it will respect my journey.


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Never thought I be here.