32x36” Mixed Media: Paper, Acrylic, Aerosol, amd Acrylic Marker
Joel Osteen, (born March 5, 1963, Houston, Texas, U.S.), American televangelist, theologian, speaker, and author who attracted millions of followers with his simple and positive sermons and his best-selling books. He defended Lakewood’s unabashedly commercial approach to attracting new members, arguing that churches that opposed “changing with the times,” as he put it, risked losing members or folding altogether. Osteen was accused on social media of not opening the doors of his giant, 600,000-square-foot church -- Houston's largest -- to those in need. He vehemently denies these claims, saying through a spokesperson that the facility was "never closed" and that the church was hesitant to house people because of a fear of rising waters and an unsafe environment.

It’s Tim is a 48” x 36” Paper, Aerosol, Acrylic Marker, and Acrylic on wood panel.
“Timothy Francis Leary was an American psychologist and writer known for his strong advocacy of psychedelic drugs. Evaluations of Leary are polarized, ranging from bold oracle to publicity hound. He was "a hero of American consciousness", according to Allen Ginsberg, and Tom Robbins called him a "brave neuronaut"." -Wikipedia
La Pasionaria (Passion Flower") is an Acrylic, Aerosol, Paper, on a 36” x 36” Canvas.
Emma Tenayuca, also known as Emma Beatrice Tenayuca, was an American labor leader, union organizer and educator. She is best known for her work organizing Mexican workers in Texas during the 1930s, particularly for leading the 1938 San Antonio pecan shellers strike. -Wikipedia

Trump, is Acrylic, Aerosol, Paper, Pastel, on a 36” x 36” Canvas.
Donald John Trump is an American politician, media personality, and businessman who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021.- Wikipedia

Untitled , is Acrylic, Paper, Aerosol, Metal on a 48” x 36” Wood Panel.
Using the artist’s mugshot sliced and slashed, Untitled represents change and growth. Broken metal reflects the freedom of release from being physically caged. Similar to the sliced segments of the mugshot. The past always lingers in the present but as time wears on it slowly fades, loosening it’s hold. Yet the scars of incarceration are always present, dark and bright constantly colliding with one another.

Not Forgotten is Paper and Aerosol on canvas, 24x30 inches, 2019. First in the series of combining, utilizing paper print out of portraits and/or mugshots, the artist’s chose his own mugshot. At 24 years old the artist’s was incarcerated for a cannabis crime. Although it seems so long ago it still lingers inside.

Harold is Aerosol and acrylic on canvas, 36x36 inches, 2020. The Negro Toucan is the brightest, boldest, and loudest in the jungle.
The artist created this image using the Toucan as the focal point. Focusing the bird on a multicolor rainbow in space, it’s mystic power is speaking without ever saying a word. We are all bold, bright, and beautiful in this world with something to say.
Exercising our minds, which are as powerful as the octopus, we can move more than mountains. We can create a whole new world.

Kentucky Fried Third Eye is Aerosol and Acrylic on 12” x "12 “ canvas, 2020.
The third can be released and power will flow, is what the artist believes. This is a personal power that everyone holds. Let’s just hope that major corporations don’t take advantage of this phenomenon and sell you something that is already yours.

Gold leaf, acrylic, and marker on canvas, 48x48 inches, 2017.

Spray paint on canvas, 78x96 inches, 2019.

Acrylic and marker on wood, 12x16 inches, 2018.

Acrylic on canvas, 24x20 inches, 2018.

Acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 60x36 inches, 2018.

Acrylic on canvas, 48x48 inches, 2017.

Acrylic and spray paint on Cape Cod shingles, 2017.

Charcoal, acrylic, and spray paint on canvas, 60x72 inches, 2017.

Acrylic on canvas, 36x60 inches, 2017.