New Love

New Love.jpg

October 4, 2017

I call this piece "New Love" because someone special came into my life. And as an artist we take what is inside us and try our best to express that into whatever medium we are using at the time. The initial start of the piece was the two female faces which represented an innocent but powerful beauty, and then I added the brick because I wanted to create the difference between this beautiful woman and the rough and raw brick she lays next to. 

Love is a crazy thing that can be so amazing and scary at the same time. Which makes me think about how this painting; it represents street art created on walls. And like street art it's not guaranteed to last.  "Love will will make you strong. Love will also make you courages." It takes courage to give yourself to another human showing your flaws, your insecurities, and all of who you are. Love will also give you the utmost strength, building you into the best human you can be. I'm blessed for all these feelings and I'm grateful for the human who makes me feel this way. 


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