Eric Welch Eric Welch

Miami Mural is a wrap


I traveled to Miami to paint my first commissioned big wall mural during the most devastating pandemic the world has seen. Going during these times probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but honestly I took all the precautions I could take. I wore my mask the entire time I traveled, I wiped my seats down with clorox wipes once I entered the plane, I used hand sanitizer continuously, and washed my hands on a regular basis.

All these precautions are not guaranteed but I went all the same. This opportunity I did not want to pass me by and I was ready. I took my time to do the prep work before I even entered into the homeowners wall to see the wall in person. From the sketch with graphite, to transferring that sketch to Photoshop to add color, and then to studying how to properly execute the doodle method for my outline. I knew this piece was ready to be sprayed, which is why I went in there and knocked it out.

I’ve been writing my goals down daily, as well as writing year goals, and so on. One of my goals for this year was to be commissioned to paint two murals. One down and one more to go! 2020 has been such a crazy wild ride with this pandemic and recession. To the point where people including myself are struggling, but one thing I do know is that art brings light to this world. As long as we are able to create then I know we will all make through this brighter at the end. I believe in us as a human kind and constantly send good vibes to everyone of this world. Keep believing in yourself and others because we are beautiful.

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