Eric Welch Eric Welch

ShoutoutLA interview

I had the opportunity to sit down with Shoutout LA and talk a little bit about art and cannabis! Here is a little teaser but be sure to check out the full article by clicking the link at the bottom.

We had the good fortune of connecting with Eric Welch and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Eric, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking.
Risk taking has played a major role in my life, from business to everyday life. I believe that we all should take risk, but of course be smart and have some calculated thought before jumping. It’s risk that led us into something bigger. I get it though it can be scary jumping in the unknown. For instance if I didn’t take the risk to move from Louisville Kentucky to Los Angeles I may have not made as much forward progress as an artist/entrepreneur. I decided to leave Kentucky with no job lined up in California, no family, and no place to live. Although I did it because I knew I would be able to build something bigger than myself and then share with the world.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I like to think of everything I do as art. Even if it’s not painting, I’m creating something every day which led me to the creation of Drop of Sunshine Inc. Drop of Sunshine is another company of mine that focuses on health and wellness through cannabinoids. We connect art with our products packaging. Our mission is “We are all artist no matter what you do and our goal is to bring that inner artist out, allowing you to paint the picture of health you envision”. I have been really proud with my artistic growth. In my art and my hemp business. Something that I’m pretty excited about is the new works I’ve been painting. I hope to have an AWAN show next year to debut them all in one place at one time. I will definitely keep you updated about that. It’s funny as I talk to you about my journey and what I’m currently working on, it’s hard not to think about all the things that have made me who am. I am a creator, who wants to keep experiencing life and all its beauty. Although not all of life’s lessons have been nice to me. Although they have been much more valuable than anything I’ve learned in a book. Nothing has been easy and honestly if it was easy it wouldn’t feel so good when the accolades do come. I know when recognition arises it’s because I worked my ass off to earn it. Plus, I do this all for the love of it. Even Drop of Sunshine; I created it because I love cannabis and art so when I found an opportunity to combine my two passions, I jumped. It just made sense.

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Eric Welch Eric Welch

Miami Mural is a wrap


I traveled to Miami to paint my first commissioned big wall mural during the most devastating pandemic the world has seen. Going during these times probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but honestly I took all the precautions I could take. I wore my mask the entire time I traveled, I wiped my seats down with clorox wipes once I entered the plane, I used hand sanitizer continuously, and washed my hands on a regular basis.

All these precautions are not guaranteed but I went all the same. This opportunity I did not want to pass me by and I was ready. I took my time to do the prep work before I even entered into the homeowners wall to see the wall in person. From the sketch with graphite, to transferring that sketch to Photoshop to add color, and then to studying how to properly execute the doodle method for my outline. I knew this piece was ready to be sprayed, which is why I went in there and knocked it out.

I’ve been writing my goals down daily, as well as writing year goals, and so on. One of my goals for this year was to be commissioned to paint two murals. One down and one more to go! 2020 has been such a crazy wild ride with this pandemic and recession. To the point where people including myself are struggling, but one thing I do know is that art brings light to this world. As long as we are able to create then I know we will all make through this brighter at the end. I believe in us as a human kind and constantly send good vibes to everyone of this world. Keep believing in yourself and others because we are beautiful.

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Eric Welch Eric Welch

73rd Annual Juried Art Show 2020!

I am very excited to announce that I have been accepted into the Gilpin County 73rd Annual Juried Art Show this August 2020. In the wrath of destruction that 2020 has been seeing, it’s hopeful to see myself growing as an artist. This hopefully will continue and I will be able to spread the love around the world through my art.

The piece that was accepted was “Not Forgotten” which is a image of myself on the first day of my journey through the Georgia prison system. I took a print out of my prison mug shot and transferred it onto a spray painted canvas.

It’s called “Not Forgotten” because this journey is a part of my life and was a place where I had 2 birthdays, three Thanksgivings, and Christmas’s. It will never be forgotten in my mind because it is a powerful part that will continue to drive me forward in this world. I know my voice, but I am still learning to trust it. Allowing myself to voice it loud and proud to help move this world into a positive direction.

Thank you to everyone who does believe in me and continues to support me.

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Eric Welch Eric Welch

Miami July 2020!

Turtle sketch.jpg

This is a sketch of a mural concept that I will be painting in Miami this upcoming July. The only insight to his concept was Flora y Fauna with south Florida vibes. Flora y Fauna translates to flowers and animals basically. The owner of this 20 foot by 13 foot wall said “think flora y fauna…. but more a la AWAN”. Talk about nervous, I have been nervous since the opportunity presented itself to me. Shit I’m still nervous and I got the job. Although I know once I start painting all my worries and concerns will go away. I’ll be in my element meditating on the moment. The HERE AND NOW. Somewhat like a Buddhist sweeping with the passerby questioning him.

Passerby: What are you doing?

Buddhist: Sweeping.

Passerby: I see, but what are you thinking about? Are you thinking about how to better love the world? How spread peace to others?

Buddhist: Just sweeping.

Passerby: You’re thinking about sweeping?

Buddhist: Yep.

This is what it feels like for myself when I’m painting. I’m just painting. Thinking about the painting, and present. If I’m not the work will suffer and I will be lost somewhere else, instead of right there in the hot ass humid South Florida sun, haha.

Being able to have this opportunity to do what I love with art and working for Drop of Sunshine is beyond a blessing. To some it may seem I’m not making a lot of money, and my name is not be plastered all over for the world to see, but I am living. Living in the moment along side my family and friends.

This is what life is about; being able to share your growth with your family and friends, appreciating the journey. Believe me this has been one hell of journey I call life. It hasn’t always been easy or fun, but I have appreciated it. Hopefully I have a lot more to travel and experience before the journey comes to an end.

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AWAN Eric Welch AWAN Eric Welch

I'm not going to lie...

I’ll tell you what, I have been a painter for the last 8 years of my life. I started out as a interior exterior painter in Louisville, KY where I lived before moving to Los Angeles. Back then I appreciated the paint, the colors, and the outcome after a job was done. Although I didn’t appreciate the difficulty that came along with lugging a ladder around 8 hours a day, painting multiple rooms, and having to be down on the ground painting baseboards all day.

I didn’t appreciate it then, but I do now. I appreciate the knowledge I garnered by working inside and outside of these peoples homes. The trust they gave me and the knowledge that I wasn’t aware I was picking up. That knowledge was colors and how to put them together.

It wasn’t until 4 years ago as you know that I decided to start painting canvases. Taking the drawings and ideas I have, then placing them onto a canvas. Now it’s not only a canvas I love to paint, it’s murals, or as we all know…. Walls. I am back to painting walls.

My life is a beautiful circle, before I could only think about making money by painting homes to move here to LA. Here in LA I was going to act! Although I wasn’t being truthful with myself and now as an older man I understand what I truly love.. outside of family obviously. Painting and Cannabis.

The two have always been a part of my life, but I was blinded and unable to realize the importance of them both. I sold cannabis growing up to put myself in the New York Film Academy here in Los Angeles. I sold cannabis because it began to teach me about having confidence in myself. It allowed me to build my knowledge of having a product, creating a clientele, and customer service. It also got me in trouble, but I have never been shy to promote my appreciation for cannabis.

Which is why these last 4 years of my life I have been honing my artistic talents as a painter, looking for opportunities to grow this business/passion into lucrative work. Learning and listening to who I am I have combined art with a newly fresh lifestyle brand that is all Hemp based cannabinoids Drop of Sunshine. I’m still learning everyday and growing. Nothing has been easy or is easy. I’m not making “tons” of money, but I’m living the way I like to. Building two things that I feel give me purpose, outside of my family, into a sustainable life.

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