Today we’d like to introduce you to Eric Welch.


So, before we jump into specific questions, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
My story… that’s a long one that entails finding my way through cannabis, incarceration, painting houses, acting in NYC, CHI, and now doing what life has really planned for me… creating art through paint. Working on the book now haha. Seriously though as an artist I’ve always known I wanted to be in Los Angeles, among all the other great artist and open-minded people. Growing up living in Kentucky it was kind of hard to fathom I would actually be here doing what I love today. My path is an unconventional one to say the least. I was always sketching as a kid but never picked up a paintbrush until I started painted houses. That was the first time I picked up any kind of brush, which was probably seven or eight years ago.

After working and running my own house painting company I saved enough to move to LA August 2015. It wasn’t until recently… I’d say four years ago (I guess upon moving to LA) I picked up a brush to put to canvas. Taking advice from a friend, I began to bring the wild thoughts that run through my head and apply them to a canvas. I came up with the name AWAN as an artist for a couple of reasons. I’ve been in love with street art for the visibility the artist receives, as well as the opportunity the passerby gets to absorb for free. Not everyone in life can go to museums and not all museums have art that speaks to the everyday hard working person in my opinion. Seeing street art is an opportunity for both the artist and the passerby to be a part of something bigger. That’s where the idea of getting an “artist name” came from. AWAN came to me after searching for names with different meanings, AWAN also means “Somebody”, and this spoke to me because I feel like we are all somebody in this world, equal and human. As we all know living in LA can be hard at times, and after one night in Hollywood at a party I met a publicist and asked her what she did. I was genuinely asking what a publicist does. Her remark to me was “if you don’t know, you must not be anybody”. After that night AWAN was born. I wish I could remember her name, I would completely call her out haha. It’s funny though how life comes full circle. I worked my ass off painting houses to move to LA and focus on acting since I was acting before I moved.

Although life seemed to say no that’s not it right now. My work/passion/happiness is painting and cannabis (of course family always). Crazy right!? Cannabis; living here I have been able to live freely pursuing what I want. Combing art and cannabis with my CBD company Drop of Sunshine. It’s been a journey thus far and I know much more is to come which is exciting. I’m growing and learning everyday, working alongside some really amazing artist, taking college classes at SMC geared towards art, and combining my life experiences into my work. Both paintings and cannabis. Hopefully along the way making a positive impact on this world.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?

Of course, the road has not been easy or paved with a straight line to my destination, but I am so grateful for where I came from. Coming from Kentucky and having the weights that were trying to hold me down it took a lot of courage. After saving up, I took a month long journey with my dog across the United States to the west coast. Stopping in Denver for two weeks and painting a few houses to get up some more money and continue my journey. America is a vast and unbelievable place, the amount of beauty here is breathtaking.

We’d love to hear more about your work and what you are currently focused on. What else should we know?

I am an artist/entrepreneur who specializes in acrylic and cannabis haha. I say that being serious, I work consistently with paint and brushes, but also run my own CBD company Drop of Sunshine. I take my art and soon other artist works and line the inside of the boxes with the art. I have always been an advocate for cannabis and have had to deal with some consequences of being ahead of my time., but I’m proud of who I am. This is why with my CBD company follows the guidelines of cannabis although it’s coming from hemp and we technically don’t have to right now. This past April I threw another AWAN art show featuring some other local artist and showcasing my newest works. This has become a theme every year now, and I guess I can say it’s an annual event since this was my third year doing it. What I like to do is create events showcasing my art as well as building a full-blown experience for the people who come. We have a DJ, full bar, my paintings, other artist paintings, photographers works on the walls, and usually an installation I build.

As well as I create a video installation that plays on a loop. I’m incredibly proud of myself as an artist/entrepreneur because I push myself to do unconformable and scary things that make me step outside my comfort zone. I think this past show this year was my favorite but the first year had the best installation with a 6*12 prison cell with bunk beds, letters, and drawings inside. This was the most immersive installation I built probably because it allowed people to step inside and feel what it’s like. I love to learn which is something that helps me set myself apart. I say for the past year and half I have been playing around with spray paint and teaching myself some techniques. It’s hard to get another artist to let you assist or train under them, so I pretty much have been teaching myself everything when it comes to the cans and the brush. I love to collaborate and grow.

Do you look back particularly fondly on any memories from childhood?

That’s tough. It’s probably the time my mom, sister, and I went to St. Augustine FL and I got to go to a Ripleys Believe it or Not.

Contact Info:

Address: Eric Welch 578 Washington Blvd. 116 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Instagram: artistawan
Image Credit: Roman Lane, Lucienne Castillo


AWAN: Creating Life Through His Brushstrokes