AWAN: Creating Life Through His Brushstrokes

By Burdetta Jackson


One of the greatest things about being an Angeleno are the options we have. On any given day you can eat Indian, Thai or Italian food. Within that same day you could travel from the beach to the desert, or to the mountains if you so preferred. I think my favorite option we get to exercise is the option to change. One can arrive on a Tuesday a clean cut, fresh faced, Mid- Western guy, and by Friday declare themselves the new Punk Rock god to the masses. In L.A. you can be whomever you want to be. We have a little bit of everything here and in one nook or another of our many varied neighborhoods, you will find your home.

The name AWAN is Native American in origin and means “somebody”. As Eric Welch began exploring what it meant to him to be an artist he had the thought that “we are all somebody in this world equally creative, equally as important.” This is how the artist AWAN was born.

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Before AWAN came to Los Angeles he was living a bit of a different life. See, sometimes life has a way of getting a hold of us, and we find ourselves in positions we didn’t set out to be in. In this manner AWAN found himself in prison doing a stint on a marijuana charge. While on the inside, AWAN found himself drawing small sketches reflecting the violence and loneliness that surrounded him. After a while, fellow inmates began to take notice and started requesting tattoo designs. These designs became the budding artists first paid art jobs and the foundation of a career to come. Upon his release AWAN continued drawing. He picked up painting and other forms of self-expression, eventually making his way to the Los Angeles area.

Before AWAN came to Los Angeles he was living a bit of a different life. See, sometimes life has a way of getting a hold of us, and we find ourselves in positions we didn’t set out to be in. In this manner AWAN found himself in prison doing a stint on a marijuana charge. While on the inside, AWAN found himself drawing small sketches reflecting the violence and loneliness that surrounded him. After a while, fellow inmates began to take notice and started requesting tattoo designs. These designs became the budding artists first paid art jobs and the foundation of a career to come. Upon his release AWAN continued drawing. He picked up painting and other forms of self-expression, eventually making his way to the Los Angeles area.

Now that he’s landed, the young artist is working hard to not only make his mark, but to also continue growing, as both a person and an artist. He sees his work as consistently evolving and reflecting the inspiration that surrounds him. Though art wasn’t always his focus, it’s become a cornerstone of his journey, and the artist finds motivation and inspiration in places that many people in L.A. don’t acknowledge, nonetheless, give credit to. “The hard working everyday person motivates me. The people who work those factory jobs, clean houses, labor day in and day out. People living each day making positive strides motivate me to create.”

And though the artist has been through some definite hard times, when it comes to his career, he notes the hardest part about getting where he is today as simply believing in himself and not listening to naysayers. “Sitting in prison you feel like life is over, but I knew as soon as I could I was coming to LA and living life to (the) utmost. I just want to create an emotional connection for the people seeing my work. That’s the way I can give something back to the people.”

Through perseverance and determination AWAN continues to stoke his creative fire and develop his artistic style. He credits his family and friends with a lot of his success. They got my back even if they may not understand my madness they’re there for me.”  And though the creative talks about influences like Donald Glover/Childish Gambino (who is so dedicated and unforgiving in the pursuance of his diverse career) and Hunter S. Thompson (who is… well come on… he’s Hunter S. Thompson), he also talks about his mother. “She is the biggest supporter and always cheering me on. I do what I can to hopefully give back to her.”AwaAwan

What’s Up & Coming for AWAN. This year will be full of debut’s that has the artist excited. You can catch his first L.A. art show on April 8th in Downtown L.A. (see links for information). The talent is also picking up acting jobs and has a couple of film projects that he’s looking forward to. Motivated to succeed with an attitude geared for greatness, make sure to keep an eye out for AWAN. He is definitely what’s Up & Coming in L.A.


